***   DATES TO REMEMBER!!!!!   ***

Link to Algebra Module: Algebra Unit 3 Module

Link to Math Peer Tutoring Dates: Peer Tutoring Dates  Sign up in Guidance


Friday 02/15/19 Simplifying Radicals

  • HOMEWORK: Complete Handout and S. 2 in module
  • HOMEWORK: Complete both blue and yellow cumulative reviews
  • Classnotes: Simplifying Radicals

Thursday 02/14/19 Systems Inequalities Word Problems

Tuesday 02/12/19 Systems Linear Inequalities

Thursday 02/07/19 Linear Inequalities Day 1

Tuesday 02/05/19 Review

  • HOMEWORK Continue working on Review Sheet
  • Classnotes: Cheat Sheet

Monday: 02/04/19 Correlation Coefficient

Friday 02/01/19 Lesson 18 Working with Residuals

  • HOMEWORK: S. 151-152 all
  • Classnotes: Lesson 18

Thursday 01/31/19 Practice with Graphing Calculator

  • Complete S.141-142 all Manually do it and then check it in calculator

Wednesday 01/30/19 Plotting Residual Plot

  • HOMEWORK: FAMILY CONNECT NIGHT! Play a board game!
  • Classnotes: Mod 2 Les 16

Tuesday 01/29/19 Scatterplots - Using the Calculator

  • HOMEWORK: Practice some problems using the Calculator  See Reference Sheet
  • Classnotes: Lesson 14

Monday 01/28/19 Linear Quadratic or Exponential Graphs

  • HOMEWORK: S. 122 #1-2
  • Classnotes: Lesson 14

Friday 01/25/19 Linear Quadratic or Exponential Graphs

  • HOMEWORK: S. 112-114 #1-6
  • Classnotes: Lesson 13

Thursday 01/23/19 Interpreting Scatterplots

Wednesday 01/22/19 Scatterplots

  • HOMEWORK: Please review vocabulary from lesson  Complete S. 92-94 all
  • Classnotes:Scatterplots

Tuesday 01/22/19 Conditional Relative Frequency

Friday 01/18/19 Relative Frequency

Wednesday 01/16/19 Two Way Tables

Monday 01/14/19 Box Plots Revisited

  • HOMEWORK: Study for Social Studies Midterm
        • Work on Test Corrections and review sheet for optional quarterly exam

Friday 01/11/19 Box Plots

Thursday 01/10/19 Calculate the Standard Deviation using the Calculator

  • HOMEWORK: S. 52-54 all
  • Classnotes: Classnotes
  • See Module for Calculator Instructions

    Wednesday 01/09/19

    • HOMEWORK: 
    • Class Video:

    Tuesday 01/08/19 Deviations form the Mean

    Monday: 01/07/19 Finding the Balance Point

    • Today we used quarters to find the balance point on a ruler
    • HOMEWORK: S. 21-22 #5-9

    Friday: 01/04/19 Distribution and their Shapes

    Thursday: 01/03/19 Distribution and their Shapes

    Wednesday: 01/02/19 Histograms

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