***   DATES TO REMEMBER!!!!!   ***

Cumulative Review Due Wednesday 11/09/16 - See me BEFORE it is due so I can check it!

End Mod 1 Test 2 DAYS!!!!! 
Wednesday 11/9 & Thursday 11/10 

Extra Help  7:10 am and during lunch 


Monday 11/06/16:Graphing Systems of Inequalities

  • HOMEWORK: Work on problems I told you and see answer key attached
  • Study for the test using the review sheet answer key!
  • Classnotes: Systems of Inequailties

Friday 11/04/16: 

Graphing Inequalities on the Coordinate Plane

Thursday 11/03/16: More Complicated Word Problems!

Wenesday 11/02/16 Lesson : Word Problems!

Make sure to use LET statements!

Tuesday 11/01/16 Lesson: Solving Systems using Elimination

Monday 10/31/16 Lesson: Solving Systems using Substitution

Friday 10/28/16 Lesson: Solving Systems Graphically Day 2

Thursday 10/27/16 Lesson: 

Solving Systems of Equations Graphically

  • HOMEWORK: S. 205-207  #12 - 20   Please manually graph it and check using your calculator!
  • Classnotes: Solve Systems Graphically
  • Video:

Wednesday 10/26/16 Lesson: DAY 2

Writing Linear Functions Using Table, Graph, Description

Remember rate of change = slope  ____ per _____

Please use correct words to describe the rate of change and what the y-intercept means in the context of the problem.  These are real-life applications.  Make sure your answer makes sense!

Tuesday 10/25/16
Writing Linear Functions Using Table, Graph, Description

Remember rate of change = slope  ____ per _____
Please use correct words to describe the rate of change and what the y-intercept means in the context of the problem.  These are real-life applications.  Make sure your answer makes sense!

Monday 10/24/16: 

Write the Equation of a line using slope and 1 or 2 Points

Friday 10/21/16 Lesson: Put into y=mx+b

  • HOMEWORK: Complete handout and 173-182 Do problems manually and then check the answer with the graphing calculator
  • Classnotes - Answers to Lesson 19 Les 19 Answers

Thursday 10/20/16 Lesson: y=mx+b

Wednesday 10/19/16 Lesson: Linear Equations - Slope

Tuesday 10/18/16 Lesson Literal Equation Practice

Monday 10/17/16 Lesson Literal Equations

Thursday 10/13/16 Lesson: Solving Inequality Word Problems

Study Review Sheet for Test tomorrow!

Tuesday 10/11/16 Lesson:  

Word Problems including Consecutive and Perimeter

Friday 10/07/16 Lesson: Word Problems

Remember to use a LET statement!  Box in your final answers and check to make sure it makes sense.

  • VIDEO:

Thursday 10/06/16 Lesson: Solving And/Or Inequalities

Wednesday 10/05/16 Lesson Inequalities using AND or OR

Thursday 09/29/16 Lesson 14: 

Inequalities and Interval Notation

Wednesday 09/28/16 Lesson 11

Some Potential Dangers when Solving Equations

When Solving Equations!!!!!

Tuesday 09/27/16 Lesson: Solving Equations & Inequalities

Monday 09/26/16 Lesson 9: 

Solution Sets for Equations and Inequalities

  • Homework:  S. 85-90 # 1,3,5,7,8,9-21,27,28,30,34-38

Friday 09/23/16 Lesson Solving Equations

  • Always do ONE step at a time when solving equations!
  • Check your solution into Original Equation!

Thursday - 09/22/16: Lesson 8 The Real Number System

  • Homework:  S.67-70 all

Tuesday 09/20/16 Review Day

  • HOMEWORK: Study review sheet.  
  • Cumulative Review Due tomorrow

Monday 09/19/16 Lesson 6 Day 2

Polynomial Multiplication

Friday 09/16/16 Lesson 6: 

Polynomial Multiplication

Thursday 09/15/16 Lesson 5: 

Polynomial Addition and Subtraction 

  • HOMEWORK: S. 46 #1 all
        • S. 47 a- j
        • S. 48-49 odd only 1-18
        • S. 49-50 all (matching)
  • Classnotes: Polynomial Classnotes

Wednesday 09/14/16 Lesson 4: 

Math Properties: Associative and Commutative 

  • HOMEWORK: S.35-39 #1,2,3,4,10,13
  • Link to Classnotes: Math Properties
  • Cumulative Review #1 Due Wednesday 9/21.  This will be graded!

Tuesday 09/13/16 Lesson Practice: 

Laws of Exponent Practice

  • Great Website for extra Exponent Practice!!

Monday 09/12/16 Lesson 4: 

Laws of Exponent Practice


Friday 09/09/16 Lesson 3: 

Integer Exponents


  • Khan Academy tutorial on integer exponents:

Thursday 09/08/16 Lesson 2: 

Exponents - Division and Zero Exponent



  • Khan Academy Practice with Exponents:

  • Regents Prep link for exponents:

Wednesday 09/07/16 Lesson 1: 

Exponents - Multiplication and Power to a Power


  • VIDEO covering topics of today's lesson.  Click on picture above

  • Khan Academy tutorial:

Tuesday 09/06/16 Intro 

  • Get Syllabus Signed
  • Complete All About Me
  • Calculator Letter
  • Gather Castle Learning Summer Assignment work and plan to come to extra help for questions

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